
Environment rendering is done with pygame, which must be installed separately.

A window is created at the first call of env.render(). Its dimensions can be configured:

env = gym.make("roundabout-v0")
    "screen_width": 640,
    "screen_height": 480

World surface#

The simulation is rendered in a RoadSurface pygame surface, which defines the location and zoom of the rendered location. By default, the rendered area is always centered on the ego-vehicle. Its initial scale and offset can be set with the "scaling" and "centering_position" configurations, and can also be updated during simulation using the O,L keys and K,M keys, respectively.

Scene graphics#

  • Roads are rendered in the RoadGraphics class.

  • Vehicles are rendered in the VehicleGraphics class.


class AbstractEnv, config: dict | None = None)[source]#

A viewer to render a highway driving environment.

set_agent_display(agent_display: Callable) None[source]#

Set a display callback provided by an agent

So that they can render their behaviour on a dedicated agent surface, or even on the simulation surface.


agent_display – a callback provided by the agent to display on surfaces

set_agent_action_sequence(actions: List[Action]) None[source]#

Set the sequence of actions chosen by the agent, so that it can be displayed


actions – list of action, following the env’s action space specification

handle_events() None[source]#

Handle pygame events by forwarding them to the display and environment vehicle.

display() None[source]#

Display the road and vehicles on a pygame window.

get_image() ndarray[source]#

The rendered image as a rgb array.

Gymnasium’s channel convention is H x W x C

window_position() ndarray[source]#

the world position of the center of the displayed window.

close() None[source]#

Close the pygame window.

class Tuple[int, int], flags: object, surf: Surface)[source]#

A pygame Surface implementing a local coordinate system so that we can move and zoom in the displayed area.

pix(length: float) int[source]#

Convert a distance [m] to pixels [px].


length – the input distance [m]


the corresponding size [px]

pos2pix(x: float, y: float) Tuple[int, int][source]#

Convert two world coordinates [m] into a position in the surface [px]

  • x – x world coordinate [m]

  • y – y world coordinate [m]


the coordinates of the corresponding pixel [px]

vec2pix(vec: Tuple[float, float] | ndarray) Tuple[int, int][source]#

Convert a world position [m] into a position in the surface [px].


vec – a world position [m]


the coordinates of the corresponding pixel [px]

is_visible(vec: Tuple[float, float] | ndarray, margin: int = 50) bool[source]#

Is a position visible in the surface? :param vec: a position :param margin: margins around the frame to test for visibility :return: whether the position is visible

move_display_window_to(position: Tuple[float, float] | ndarray) None[source]#

Set the origin of the displayed area to center on a given world position.


position – a world position [m]

handle_event(event: Event) None[source]#

Handle pygame events for moving and zooming in the displayed area.


event – a pygame event


A visualization of a lane.

STRIPE_SPACING: float = 4.33#

Offset between stripes [m]

STRIPE_LENGTH: float = 3#

Length of a stripe [m]

STRIPE_WIDTH: float = 0.3#

Width of a stripe [m]

classmethod display(lane: AbstractLane, surface: WorldSurface) None[source]#

Display a lane on a surface.

  • lane – the lane to be displayed

  • surface – the pygame surface

classmethod striped_line(lane: AbstractLane, surface: WorldSurface, stripes_count: int, longitudinal: float, side: int) None[source]#

Draw a striped line on one side of a lane, on a surface.

  • lane – the lane

  • surface – the pygame surface

  • stripes_count – the number of stripes to draw

  • longitudinal – the longitudinal position of the first stripe [m]

  • side – which side of the road to draw [0:left, 1:right]

classmethod continuous_curve(lane: AbstractLane, surface: WorldSurface, stripes_count: int, longitudinal: float, side: int) None[source]#

Draw a striped line on one side of a lane, on a surface.

  • lane – the lane

  • surface – the pygame surface

  • stripes_count – the number of stripes to draw

  • longitudinal – the longitudinal position of the first stripe [m]

  • side – which side of the road to draw [0:left, 1:right]

classmethod continuous_line(lane: AbstractLane, surface: WorldSurface, stripes_count: int, longitudinal: float, side: int) None[source]#

Draw a continuous line on one side of a lane, on a surface.

  • lane – the lane

  • surface – the pygame surface

  • stripes_count – the number of stripes that would be drawn if the line was striped

  • longitudinal – the longitudinal position of the start of the line [m]

  • side – which side of the road to draw [0:left, 1:right]

classmethod draw_stripes(lane: AbstractLane, surface: WorldSurface, starts: List[float], ends: List[float], lats: List[float]) None[source]#

Draw a set of stripes along a lane.

  • lane – the lane

  • surface – the surface to draw on

  • starts – a list of starting longitudinal positions for each stripe [m]

  • ends – a list of ending longitudinal positions for each stripe [m]

  • lats – a list of lateral positions for each stripe [m]


A visualization of a road lanes and vehicles.

static display(road: Road, surface: WorldSurface) None[source]#

Display the road lanes on a surface.

  • road – the road to be displayed

  • surface – the pygame surface

static display_traffic(road: Road, surface: WorldSurface, simulation_frequency: int = 15, offscreen: bool = False) None[source]#

Display the road vehicles on a surface.

  • road – the road to be displayed

  • surface – the pygame surface

  • simulation_frequency – simulation frequency

  • offscreen – render without displaying on a screen

static display_road_objects(road: Road, surface: WorldSurface, offscreen: bool = False) None[source]#

Display the road objects on a surface.

  • road – the road to be displayed

  • surface – the pygame surface

  • offscreen – whether the rendering should be done offscreen or not


A visualization of objects on the road.

classmethod display(object_: RoadObject, surface: WorldSurface, transparent: bool = False, offscreen: bool = False)[source]#

Display a road objects on a pygame surface.

The objects is represented as a colored rotated rectangle

  • object – the vehicle to be drawn

  • surface – the surface to draw the object on

  • transparent – whether the object should be drawn slightly transparent

  • offscreen – whether the rendering should be done offscreen or not

static blit_rotate(surf: Surface, image: Surface, pos: ndarray | Sequence[float], angle: float, origin_pos: ndarray | Sequence[float] | None = None, show_rect: bool = False) None[source]#

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