Source code for highway_env.envs.highway_env

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

from highway_env import utils
from highway_env.envs.common.abstract import AbstractEnv
from highway_env.envs.common.action import Action
from highway_env.road.road import Road, RoadNetwork
from highway_env.utils import near_split
from highway_env.vehicle.controller import ControlledVehicle
from highway_env.vehicle.kinematics import Vehicle

Observation = np.ndarray

[docs] class HighwayEnv(AbstractEnv): """ A highway driving environment. The vehicle is driving on a straight highway with several lanes, and is rewarded for reaching a high speed, staying on the rightmost lanes and avoiding collisions. """
[docs] @classmethod def default_config(cls) -> dict: config = super().default_config() config.update( { "observation": {"type": "Kinematics"}, "action": { "type": "DiscreteMetaAction", }, "lanes_count": 4, "vehicles_count": 50, "controlled_vehicles": 1, "initial_lane_id": None, "duration": 40, # [s] "ego_spacing": 2, "vehicles_density": 1, "collision_reward": -1, # The reward received when colliding with a vehicle. "right_lane_reward": 0.1, # The reward received when driving on the right-most lanes, linearly mapped to # zero for other lanes. "high_speed_reward": 0.4, # The reward received when driving at full speed, linearly mapped to zero for # lower speeds according to config["reward_speed_range"]. "lane_change_reward": 0, # The reward received at each lane change action. "reward_speed_range": [20, 30], "normalize_reward": True, "offroad_terminal": False, } ) return config
def _reset(self) -> None: self._create_road() self._create_vehicles() def _create_road(self) -> None: """Create a road composed of straight adjacent lanes.""" self.road = Road( network=RoadNetwork.straight_road_network( self.config["lanes_count"], speed_limit=30 ), np_random=self.np_random, record_history=self.config["show_trajectories"], ) def _create_vehicles(self) -> None: """Create some new random vehicles of a given type, and add them on the road.""" other_vehicles_type = utils.class_from_path(self.config["other_vehicles_type"]) other_per_controlled = near_split( self.config["vehicles_count"], num_bins=self.config["controlled_vehicles"] ) self.controlled_vehicles = [] for others in other_per_controlled: vehicle = Vehicle.create_random( self.road, speed=25, lane_id=self.config["initial_lane_id"], spacing=self.config["ego_spacing"], ) vehicle = self.action_type.vehicle_class( self.road, vehicle.position, vehicle.heading, vehicle.speed ) self.controlled_vehicles.append(vehicle) self.road.vehicles.append(vehicle) for _ in range(others): vehicle = other_vehicles_type.create_random( self.road, spacing=1 / self.config["vehicles_density"] ) vehicle.randomize_behavior() self.road.vehicles.append(vehicle) def _reward(self, action: Action) -> float: """ The reward is defined to foster driving at high speed, on the rightmost lanes, and to avoid collisions. :param action: the last action performed :return: the corresponding reward """ rewards = self._rewards(action) reward = sum( self.config.get(name, 0) * reward for name, reward in rewards.items() ) if self.config["normalize_reward"]: reward = utils.lmap( reward, [ self.config["collision_reward"], self.config["high_speed_reward"] + self.config["right_lane_reward"], ], [0, 1], ) reward *= rewards["on_road_reward"] return reward def _rewards(self, action: Action) -> dict[str, float]: neighbours = lane = ( self.vehicle.target_lane_index[2] if isinstance(self.vehicle, ControlledVehicle) else self.vehicle.lane_index[2] ) # Use forward speed rather than speed, see forward_speed = self.vehicle.speed * np.cos(self.vehicle.heading) scaled_speed = utils.lmap( forward_speed, self.config["reward_speed_range"], [0, 1] ) return { "collision_reward": float(self.vehicle.crashed), "right_lane_reward": lane / max(len(neighbours) - 1, 1), "high_speed_reward": np.clip(scaled_speed, 0, 1), "on_road_reward": float(self.vehicle.on_road), } def _is_terminated(self) -> bool: """The episode is over if the ego vehicle crashed.""" return ( self.vehicle.crashed or self.config["offroad_terminal"] and not self.vehicle.on_road ) def _is_truncated(self) -> bool: """The episode is truncated if the time limit is reached.""" return self.time >= self.config["duration"]
class HighwayEnvFast(HighwayEnv): """ A variant of highway-v0 with faster execution: - lower simulation frequency - fewer vehicles in the scene (and fewer lanes, shorter episode duration) - only check collision of controlled vehicles with others """ @classmethod def default_config(cls) -> dict: cfg = super().default_config() cfg.update( { "simulation_frequency": 5, "lanes_count": 3, "vehicles_count": 20, "duration": 30, # [s] "ego_spacing": 1.5, } ) return cfg def _create_vehicles(self) -> None: super()._create_vehicles() # Disable collision check for uncontrolled vehicles for vehicle in self.road.vehicles: if vehicle not in self.controlled_vehicles: vehicle.check_collisions = False